For any company, security is of the utmost importance. Increasingly, the most vulnerable aspect of a business is its digital infrastructure – the network that holds its bank account, tax and insurance information, and other bounties. That's bad enough – but then consider how much more precious an online account becomes for facilities like hospitals and data centers that maintain thousands of clients' personal information.

As a result, every company should opt for the most cutting-edge security technology available to protect its assets from hackers. A number of data centers have already installed biometric security systems to great success. These platforms require a unique physical identification – like a fingerprint – from those attempting access. Because it is nearly impossible to steal, copy or lose physical characteristics, biometric technology is the most effective security system on the market. Plus, it gives data centers control over each access point – from the front door to the server cabinet.

With that said, if there is one thing that could prove difficult to overcome, it's an inside job. Untrustworthy employees can be a company's worst nightmare, as they may have access to valuable company data that could be untouchable to the average thief.

Businesses view their own employees as the biggest risk
According to CNBC, small- and medium-sized companies increasingly see their own workers as their most troublesome cybersecurity concern. A survey conducted by security company CloudEntr found 77 percent of IT professionals view employees as the a major vulnerability in the cybersecurity infrastructure. Sixty-four percent indicated they had no plans to build their infrastructure next year, but 89 percent will introduce more employee training.

"The employee factor is huge," Tom Smith, senior vice president at CloudEntr, told CNBC. "For most companies it's the single biggest exposure point."

Having said that, it isn't necessarily devious behavior as much as carelessness that is at the root of the employee-caused breaches. Staff members will reuse passwords or write them down and lose the note – deadly mistakes in the cybersecurity world.

Biometric security can eliminate those absentminded habits. Only personnel with security clearance will have their biometric IDs entered into the system, and that information is not in danger of being lost or stolen. Biometric technology can also prevent those employees with ulterior motives from accessing valuable client data through the use of a dual access point. In this system, two separate, simultaneous identifications are necessary to bypass the access point. That means two people – both with security clearance – would have to conspire to steal information, an unlikely scenario.

Growing data centers must remember security
As data centers plan for expansion, there are a number of factors to keep in mind – planned growth versus current capacity, headroom, backup, and so on, according to Computer World. But security should be first among the list of necessary upgrades. If the current system is not scalable or is inadequate to cover the expansion, the center should make the necessary upgrade.

Additionally, an expanded center may require more server cabinets, offices, and employees – in other words, more security risk. Fortunately, biometric access control is flexible enough to provide coverage at each entry point.

The fact that a data center is growing is a good thing – it means business is good and the client base is expanding. But along with it comes greater expectations of service and a higher level of trust. Data centers need to honor that relationship with their clients by ensuring that the data is in safe hands, protected with the best security platforms available.