When it comes to the continued improvement and upgrading of data center security, compliance is the growing concern for many enterprises. Constant investment into new and innovative solutions for protecting data will begin to present compliance concerns over time, just as failing to do so results in similar problems. Additionally, evolving trends like BYOD and virtualization are inspiring new mandates surrounding center compliance in order to ensure that data is kept secure and private at all times.

Even as these trends grow, businesses have to approach them carefully, or data security could become more than a worry. The trick, as many firms are starting to discover, is to separate the security from the data.

In order to maintain compliance and continue improving data center security, many companies are turning toward biometric technology, rather than software, to drive the foundation of their access control. A physical access control system provides a more scalable solution as it sets a constant, solid foundation to build security compliance from, rather than having to worry about consistency in upgrades and other issues.

The global government biometric security market is expected to reach a value of nearly $7 billion by 2024 for this very reason.  MarketResearchReports recently released the findings of their own study into the market, noting that investments into biometrics are expected to almost double over the next 10 years. This is, in part, to ensure a solid foundation for security compliance in all areas, from data centers to passport issuance.

Optimizing security policies and regulatory compliance with high-quality biometrics like a fingerprint scanner ensures that access to server racks is efficiently controlled. Additionally, improving the support systems that integrate with this technology will provide further fail safes, from dual custody authorization to anti-passback solutions. Effectively, the complete system provides control, monitoring support, reporting, scalability and optimization over time, ensuring that security measures are always kept up-to-date and compliant with mandates and company needs.

Ultimately, security is one area that businesses should never skimp on. Investing in the best biometric solutions will drive the efficiency of these systems and ensure that a company’s risks land on their practices, rather than the technology they are putting their compliance on the line with. Ensure that authentication is fool proof, rather than turning to less stable methods for data center security.